The beginning....
This is the beginning of a sinner switching to the path of light and truth, He wants to be a better person and is seeking the true light of eternal happiness until now he was sunk in the mortal pleasures of this mortal world but now a light has awaken him from the inside and he has set-out for the journey of a life time to seek the immortal pleasures of life and the judgement day. He wants to become a person who is not in any need of this world's worthless pleasures but is the true believer and believes in the eternal happiness and pleasures. he starts his journey by leaving his current state and sets his foot out of his sin-full life and moves towards to the light of the truth and honesty.
he is still between the devils and demons and wants to get out of their clutches but he has to try his best and work really hard for this and has never to give up. He puts all his hope in God and steps-up to his new path.
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